5 Tips to Remove Stains From Carpets

The house rules about drinks on the sofa, or wiping shoes before walking through the living room, or playing with paint or glue-based slime on the playroom carpet can only do so much to prevent carpet stains. If the rules are broken, and a drink spills, mud is tracked through the house, or slime sinks its teeth into the fibers of your wall-to-wall carpet, save the lecture because you have to act fast. Here are a few tips to help you remove stains from your carpets.

Size up your stain

Identify what you’re dealing with before you start trying to remove carpet stains. Hot, soapy water and frantic, vigorous scrubbing shouldn’t be your default. Different stains require different cleaning methods. Heat and pressure can actually make the stains and odors worse than they were before.

Time is of the essence

You don’t want to panic, but you do need to act quickly. The longer you let a stain sit, the harder it is to remove the stain. Put together a small carpet stain removal kit for spills and stains. Keep all of your carpet cleaning supplies in an easy to carry container so you have everything you need at the ready.

Keep a carpet cleaning kit

Since different substances require different cleaning solutions and cleaning methods, you want to make sure that you have the right tools for the job.

  • Absorbent towels or rags
  • paper towels
  • stiff bristle tooth brush
  • small scraper
  • sponge
  • a spray bottle of soapy water
  • a spray bottle of plain water
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • baking soda
  • rubbing alcohol
  • vinegar
  • acetone

Don’t touch that wet vac

Home carpet cleaning machines and wet vacs don’t work as well as you might think. In fact, they can leave your entire carpet looking dingy, discolored, and foul. Home carpet cleaning devices saturate carpets with water and cleaning solution, but they don’t entirely remove the solution. This can discolor the fibers of your wall-to-wall carpet, and a soggy carpet is a magnet for dust, dirt, and grime. Moisture can also lead to mildew, which is a nightmare to get rid of. Check out our article, Do Portable Carpet Cleaners Work?, if you’re interested in learning more about how spot and isolated stains can occasionally be removed using portable carpet cleaners. Explore potential carpet cleaning solutions with us.

Consider professional carpet cleaners

Quick reactions and a little know-how might be able to help you remove small stains caused by minor mishaps, but get a thorough deep clean requires skill, experience, and specialized cleaning equipment. High traffic areas, large stains, stubborn stains, and discoloration from years of use require professional carpet cleaners.

Advanced Carpet and Janitorial is one of the longest established professional carpet cleaners in Northwest Arkansas. We provide carpet cleaning for home, carpet cleaning for businesses, and complete janitorial service for all of NWA. Call 479-621-6788, or contact us online.

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